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Hawaii 2012

A co-worker told Matt, “It was really smart of you to marry a Hawaiian.”  Any excuse we can find to go to Hawaii, we will take.  With my younger sister in Hawaii and recently having twins who would be blessed in our church, that was the excuse we needed to leave our own children for a few days and spend time in Hawaii.  And the bonus was that Matt’s brother was also going to school there and I hadn’t seen him in over 2 years!


The twins: Derek & Keith

My sister's family and us

Our brother recently returned from a mission in the Philippines

Enjoying Matsumoto shaved ice with ice cream in Haleiwa

Numerous waterfalls from all of the rain


The weather wasn’t great while were there.  It rained everyday and flooded in some areas.  So, we never put on our swimsuits or went to the beach since it was too dangerous to swim.  But, we enjoyed our time being together with our family.  I guess we will just need to go back again…I’m sure we can come up with another excuse!

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