We were all able to attend the Hong Kong Temple together
taken: 04/12/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia alison brenda rebeca reagan annalee lei mary alma night gathering building friends hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia alison brenda rebeca reagan annalee lei mary alma night gathering building friends hong kong womens conference
Our dinner in Hong Kong. Kam's House of Goose. We got our food to go so we didn't have to wait in the line
taken: 03/27/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: city evening friends hong kong alma lei tia reagan brenda rebeca
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: city evening friends hong kong alma lei tia reagan brenda rebeca
Our food from Kams House of Goose. It was all so yummy
Tia and friends enjoying a meal together before the start of Women's Conference in Hong Kong
taken: 03/27/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia dining indoor meal hong kong rebeca reagan brenda lei
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia dining indoor meal hong kong rebeca reagan brenda lei
Educational sign providing instructions on what to do and not to do if one encounters a wild pig...we saw this after we saw a wild pig on our hike
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: sign wildlife instructions safety hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: sign wildlife instructions safety hong kong womens conference
LDS church building in Hong Kong. Where we held our Women's Conference
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: city architecture buildings street hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: city architecture buildings street hong kong womens conference
Heading to that pink church building for Women's Conferece!
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia cityscape friends hong kong womens conference alma brenda rebeca lei
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia cityscape friends hong kong womens conference alma brenda rebeca lei
Tia got to see a friend who used to be in Tomball, Texas ward at the same time we were there
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia smiling conference hong kong womens christine
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia smiling conference hong kong womens christine
Tia and Lei smiling in front of the Hong Kong China Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia temple hongkong hong kong womens conference lei
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia temple hongkong hong kong womens conference lei
Temple night in Hong Kong
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: friends nighttime building hong kong womens conference alma brenda rebeca annalee reagan mary lei tia
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: friends nighttime building hong kong womens conference alma brenda rebeca annalee reagan mary lei tia
We made it to a night market in Hong Kong
taken: 03/09/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia lanterns evening friends hong kong womens conference annalee mary brenda
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia lanterns evening friends hong kong womens conference annalee mary brenda
Sisters reunited in Hong Kong. We were able to attend the Asia Women's Conference together
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia airport welcome travel lei hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia airport welcome travel lei hong kong womens conference
Waiting for the Bake Shop to open to grab some breakfast before our hike
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: street restaurant queue takeaway hong kong womens conference lei reagan annalee alma rebeca
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: street restaurant queue takeaway hong kong womens conference lei reagan annalee alma rebeca
Tia and friends smiling for a selfie with the city skyline in the background during a hike
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia hiking city skyline selfie friends hong kong womens conference lei alma reagan annalee rebeca
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia hiking city skyline selfie friends hong kong womens conference lei alma reagan annalee rebeca
Tia hiking in Hong Kong. Heading to Victoria Peak
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia city skyline greenery hiking hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia city skyline greenery hiking hong kong womens conference
Overlooking Hong Kong on a cloudy day
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: cityscape view greenery hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: cityscape view greenery hong kong womens conference
Tia enjoying a hike with a scenic city view of Hong Kong in the background
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia hike scenic cityview hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia hike scenic cityview hong kong womens conference
Lei posing under a traditional Chinese pavilion with the cityscape of Hong Kong in the background
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: travel chinesepavilion cityscape hong kong womens conference lei
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: travel chinesepavilion cityscape hong kong womens conference lei
Tia and Lei smiling for a selfie during our hike to Victoria's Peak in Hong Kong
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia selfie pavilion harbor hong kong womens conference lei
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tia selfie pavilion harbor hong kong womens conference lei
The historic tram on display commemorates a century of operation at Victoria Peak in Hong Kong
taken: 03/06/2024
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tram historic transportation hong kong womens conference
album: Vacations - Hong Kong
tags: tram historic transportation hong kong womens conference