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Vacation Day 1-Flight & Tarbes, France

Getting to Europe was a headache! Our first flight to Miami went well. My brother was with us and everyone did well. We were suppose to leave at 5:30pm to go to Madrid and my brother was to leave on a direct flight to Barcelona a couple of hours after us. Well, our plane had some mechanical problems and after an hour delay, they decided to put us all up in a hotel for the night. That was fine until the morning when we called the front desk to see if they had any news on our flight and we were yelled at to leave since the flight was suppose to leave 15 minutes ago. Why didn’t we get a phone call? Not sure. But, we made our flight and got to Madrid, Spain around midnight. We were put in another hotel in Madrid, but this time we knew when our next flight would be. Finally we arrived in Barcelona, 24 hours later than what was planned. Luckily my brother was on a separate flight and was able to tell Matt’s sister what happened with us.

Mason made friends with the guy sitting next to us on the plane

Once we got to Barcelona we got our rental car, picked up our siblings and drove for 7 hours to Tarbes, France. We had a dinner appointment with a mother & daughter that Matt taught the gospel and baptized while he was a missionary there 11 years ago. I met them 5 years ago on our last trip to France, and it was great to see them again.

Mother & Daughter with "their" missionary

We had a wonderful evening in Tarbes. A full French dinner with many different courses for the meal. Chips, Salad, Meat & Potatoes, Cheese, Ice Cream, Herbal Tea…in that order. We then loaded up in the car and drove 2 hours to our next destination…Toulouse, France.

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  1. May 11th, 2011 at 00:13 | #1

    sounds draining, but fun! 🙂

  2. May 16th, 2011 at 00:06 | #2

    oh elder farley, they haven’t changed a bit!! how are they??? i doubt they even remember me. i do remember all the perfume she had! and she gave me CK1 when i left. and just jealous that you were there at all!

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