
Posts Tagged ‘angela’

Kona, Hawaii Vacation

April 29th, 2019 No comments

Months ago we were asked by our brother-in-law if we could fly to Hawaii to celebrate Matt’s older sister’s 40th birthday with them! Of course we said yes. Matt was in charge of planning the activities and our brother-in-law was in charge of getting us a car and place to stay. I was on vacation and just did what I was told! And the birthday girl could do whatever she wanted. We really only had two full-days to spend in Kona, Hawaii and we spent them well.

After a 10 hour flight from Manila to Honolulu, we had an hour flight to Kona on this plane
ALOHA…we arrived in Kona
While exploring our AirBnB we felt this earthquake

Day 1

We had this red jeep to drive around Kona
We got up early and swam with wild dolphins
After nearly 10 years of trying to find dolphins in the wild, we finally were successful
We took this rainbow to mean that we would be successful in seeing manta rays
This manta ray came near us while on our late afternoon dusk dive
Around 30 feet below water we hung out at a “camp fire” and saw at least three different manta rays swoop through to filter-feed on the plankton that gathered in the light
My one request for this trip was to have L&L. It was a perfect dinner after our dives
Matt put this video together of our dolphin and manta ray experience

Day 2

The birthday girl and her brother
After sleeping in, we spent the day at the beach
Our early flight from Kona to Honolulu was full of military personal
Categories: Family, Travel Tags: , , , , ,

Farleys visit – Manila & Boracay

March 1st, 2015 1 comment

The beginning of September we finally got Matt’s parents out here to the Philippines to visit us and to meet their newest grandson, Blake. Matt’s brother Drew also came out to visit as well for a week during his school break. Then the second week his older sister Angela and her husband Peter joined the party. The first week we stayed in Manila and showed his parents around while Matt still had to work for a few days.

We ate at People's Palace a few times

We ate at People’s Palace a few times

We watched Matt play basketball

We watched Matt play basketball

Rosalyn found the grandmother of her co-worker selling vegetables at a local wet-market

Rosalyn found the grandmother of her co-worker selling vegetables at a local wet-market

We walked around the neighborhood of that local market and received many stares since foreigners aren't normally seen in that area

We walked around the neighborhood of that local market and received many stares since foreigners aren’t normally seen in that area

Matt and Drew spent some brother time wakeboarding

Matt and Drew spent some brother time wakeboarding

The boys also took their parents to Sky Ranch in Tagaytay so they can see life outside of Manila

The boys also took their parents to Sky Ranch in Tagaytay so they can see life outside of Manila

Grandpa magic with Blake to keep him happy

Grandpa magic with Blake to keep him happy

We waited to have Blake blessed until his grandparents arrived. 3 generations of Farleys in one photo.

We waited to have Blake blessed until his grandparents arrived. 3 generations of Farleys in one photo.

Drew convinced Peter to get a suit tailored made by the same tailor who made the 1980's James Bond suits

Drew convinced Peter to get a suit tailored made by the same tailor who made the 1980’s James Bond suits

Peter was able to do a presentation at The Medical City hospital that Angela and Matt were able to attend.

Peter was invited to do a presentation at The Medical City hospital that Angela and Matt were able to attend

After a week in Manila, we took a plane ride and then a boat ride and arrived in Boracay! We stayed at the Shangri-La in Boracay and rented 2 villas that connected. It was a perfect set-up for our families and we felt like royalty with our own personal butler on call. We have never been disappointed with any of the Shangri-La hotels, and our experience at Boracay was the best.

Our private pool at one of the villas which the kids really enjoyed.

Our private pool at one of the villas which the kids really enjoyed.

Beautiful ocean view as seen from the Shangi-La with wonderful weather while we were there.

Beautiful ocean view as seen from the Shangri-La with wonderful weather while we were there.

Farleys in the ocean and enjoying the white sand at the public beach.

Family in the ocean and enjoying the white powder sand at the public beach.

We had our own private dinner at our villa where enjoyed a 3 course meal and had some good conversations.

We had our own private dinner at our villa where enjoyed a 3 course meal and had some good conversations.

The whole Farley gang that went to Boracay!

Lost in paradise!

More photos of Boracay here.

California Fun – Part 1 “Bay Area”

November 10th, 2013 No comments

When we moved to the Philippines we had decided that we would use our vacation days in Asia, only returning to the U.S. for sibling weddings. And even then, only the person who is the actual sibling would go back for the wedding since plane tickets are expensive. So, when Matt’s sister said she was getting married we knew Matt would fly back to attend. Then she emailed us and requested that I attend as well. We checked out the dates and flights and our frequent flyer miles and things just worked out. Kalani didn’t have school for the following week of the wedding and we scored killer deals on airfare using our miles for me and the kids to go to California. So, it turned out to be our 10 day vacation in California with family…at least for me and the kids. Matt was only in California for about 24 hours before he flew back to the Philippines to conserve vacation days (and he had just recently spent time with family in California as part of a business trip).

Waiting for to board the plane at the airline lounge.  There are some perks to flying so much , like the free food, drinks and Wi-Fi in the lounges.

Waiting for to board the plane at the airline lounge. There are some perks to flying so much, like the free food, drinks and Wi-Fi in the frequent flyer lounges.

Spent the day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium before family showed up.

Spent the day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium before everyone arrived.

While waiting for family to show up at the hotel, we decided to take the short walk to the beach and go exploring.

While waiting for family to show up at the hotel, we decided to take the short walk to the beach and go exploring.

The night before the wedding we had a nice dinner with close friends and family.

The night before the wedding we had a nice dinner with close friends and family.

While waiting for Matt to arrive from the airport and the wedding to start, the kids enjoyed the nearby park and playing with their cousins.

While waiting for Matt to arrive from the airport and the wedding to start, the kids enjoyed the nearby park and playing with their cousins.

The wedding was held on the beach at Asilomar where my in-laws first met each other.

The wedding was held on the beach at Asilomar where my in-laws first met each other.

Daddy/Daughter dance during a small reception...her dress was lovely.

Daddy/Daughter dance during a small reception…her dress was lovely. She had commissioned custom sleeves to be made by a tailor, but unfortunately the end result did not properly match the dress.

The best photo that I had with the happy bride and groom...good thing I wasn't the photographer.

The best photo that I had with the happy bride and groom…good thing I wasn’t the photographer.

Matt using the decorations for a grill.  We got to see him at 2pm Saturday afternoon and then he left for the Philippines at 7am on Sunday morning.

Matt using the decorations for a grill. We got to see him at 2pm Saturday afternoon and then he left for the Philippines at 7am on Sunday morning.


Categories: Family, Travel Tags: , , , , , ,

Vacation Day 11 & 12 – Barcelona, Spain

August 1st, 2011 2 comments

Our final destination on our European vacation was Barcelona, Spain. It took us 7 hours to drive from Nice, France to Barcelona but we all survived. It was also nice to have a really cool hotel room waiting for us…after we found it. The only down side to our hotel was that it was off a main road and Barcelona vs. Madrid in the Champion League was happening during our stay so we didn’t get much sleep.

Barcelona has some really crazy cool buildings. Antoni Gaudi was the architect for many of the Dr.Suess looking buildings.

La Sagrada Familia ... still 30 years away from being completely finish

Casa Batlló aka. House of Bones

This was how we saw Barcelona. With really only one day there and with kids, this was the best option

After 2 weeks in Europe, this is what the Farley boys looked like!

We had a wonderful time seeing another part of the world and being together with family. And luckily we didn’t kill each other or get into any accidents.

More photos of Barcelona

Vacation Day 10 – Cannes, France

August 1st, 2011 No comments

Another famous area on the French Riviera…Cannes. We walked from our hotel in Nice to the train station where we then took a train to Cannes. The kids really enjoyed riding the train and kept switching seats…good thing it wasn’t crowded.

When we got to Cannes we headed towards the beach so we could walk along the Promenade de la Croisette. More specifically we went to the Carlton Hotel.

350 - 5,000 EUROS for the night

Another thing that Cannes is famous for is the International Film Festival…so that was our next stop.

Cannes International Film Festival located behind us...we were there a month too soon

And the last thing that we really wanted to see in Cannes was The Île Sainte-Marguerite. The island is most famous for its fortress prison (the Fort Royal), in which the so-called Man in the Iron Mask was held in the 17th century.

The island is approximately 3km in length (East to West) and 900m across.

Museum of the Sea & prison where the man of the iron mask was held

And to finish our time in Cannes we walked around and enjoyed the scenery and sights.

Sandy beaches in Cannes...and this sand sculpture was pretty cool

Jedi Master Kalani

More photos of Cannes