
Posts Tagged ‘makana’

2018 Road Trip

July 28th, 2018 No comments

A year ago my sister asked me if I would want to drive to a family reunion together from Texas to Utah and then continue on to California to see more family. My first thought was that it would be a very long drive, but the more I thought about it the more I was wanting to do it. Just my younger sister and I in charge with seven kids. We rented a 12 passenger van which gave us three extra seat belts. On this road trip I just really wanted to go to “The Four Corners”, the Grand Canyon & Alcatraz. I didn’t really care what else we had on our agenda. My sister and I worked really well with each other. We planned most things out in advance and then my sister is good at finding other things to do to fill in time. We also were sure to schedule “down time” as well and to just enjoy our family. Overall, it was a great trip and I would do another road trip with my kids, my sister and her kids. And a bonus to the trip is that we were travelling with a 4th grader and were able to get into all of the National Parks for free by visiting Every Kid in a Park website.

Our road trip plans

Day 1

Everyone is excited to start this road trip. 2 moms and 7 kids in a 12 passenger van

An hour or so after we started driving, we got pulled over for speeding. But, the cop had compassion on us and didn’t give us a ticket.

Day 2

We were able to make it to Four Corners

Day 3

We made it to the Grand Canyon

Horseshoe Bend was free to see and worth the short “hike” to get there

Day 4 & 5

Family Reunion at the Alton Lodge in Southern Utah; where 8 out of the 9 Poulson siblings attended. In total we had about 65 people at this reunion.

Grandkids and great-grandkids that attended the family reunion

Day 6

Bryce Canyon…pictures can’t capture the complete beauty

Day 7

Woke up early to see the Balloon Festival in Provo

Grateful to see this flag wave on the 4th of July

We were able to attend Stadium of Fire where One Republic played and then watched a great firework show

Day 8

I drove up to Logan, Utah to pick up my sister and we stopped at Gossner Diary where we got some delicious long term shelf life milk that all the kids love

About 15 minutes away from Gossner Dairy is the Pepperidge Farm Factory & Thrift Store where we got the “oops” goldfish which are $2 for 2 pounds

Day 9 & 10

I drove up to Heber to see a good friend from Texas and have our kids play together for a day and a half

Day 11

My sisters and I said good-bye to our brother and headed off towards California

Stretching our legs and exploring the Salt Flats on our drive west

Day 12

My sister-in-law and husband invited us to stay the night at their condo in Lake Tahoe and go tubing with their boat. We all had a blast!

Day 13

Movie morning at 8am! The Incredibles and Ant-Man & Wasp were the reason for the early morning since all other times were sold out

Day 14

I went with my mom to take in the recyclables that had been accumulating for a year. We decided to split the profit between ALL the grandkids that were in California. They all got $10 to spend however they wanted (everyone got something at the Dollar Store).

Field Trip to Sutter’s Fort

We drove by the Sacramento capital building

Family night watching the musical play “Newsies” at the Music Circus

Day 15

Another field trip. This time to Alcatraz island

Stopped near the Golden Gate Bridge to get a photo

Day 16

We had a girls morning of pedicures

For the 5 days that we were at my parent’s place, lunch/dinner time looked like this. Cousins all sitting together.

Day 17

As we were leaving California to head back toward Texas, we decided to drive through Yosemite

We did a small hike in Yosemite to see the Giant Sequoia trees

We made it to our aunt & uncle’s home where our other aunt & uncle also came by to see us and hang out. The kids were happy to see their cousins again.

Day 18 & 19

We made it safely home and logged in 5627 miles in 19 days!

More road trip photos here.

California Fun – Part 2 “Sac Town”

November 22nd, 2013 2 comments

When I found out that I was going to California I made an agenda to be certain that I did everything that I wanted to. Once my siblings found out that the kids and I would be in California a couple of them made the trip out to see us from Utah. We were feeling very loved and special!

My schedule for California

My schedule for California. Shopping was very important since I needed to stock up on items not found in the Philippines to last me for the next 1-2 years.

The home I grew up in is surrounded by 3 rice fields and a canal in the back.  My dad, uncles and grandpa built our home about 28 years ago.  Now my brother and dad are building an "Ag Building" that will be converted into an apartment.

The home I grew up in is surrounded by 3 rice fields and a canal in the back. My dad, uncles and grandpa built our home about 28 years ago. Now my brother and dad are building an “Ag Building” that will be converted into an apartment.

The joys of living out in the country.  Exploring for critters with your uncle.

The joys of living out in the country. Exploring for critters with your uncle.

Cousins having fun on the trampoline ages 9, 5, 5, 4, 1

Cousins having fun on the trampoline ages 9, 5, 5, 4, 1

Mason LOVED playing with all of the toys at grandma's house.

Mason LOVED playing with all of the toys at grandma’s house.

We had a bonfire at my parent's house a couple of times and even roasted some marshmallows and made smores

We had a bonfire at my parent’s house a couple of times and even roasted some marshmallows and made s’mores.

I had lunch with my grandma.

I had lunch with my grandma.

Dinner with my friends who I have known for over 25 years...I brought them a "bra organizer" from the Philippines.

Dinner with my friends who I have known for over 25 years…I brought them a “bra organizer” from the Philippines.

Afternoon at a pumpkin patch to choose pumpkins to decorate.

Afternoon at a pumpkin patch to choose pumpkins to decorate.

Dinner with ALL of my siblings and their spouse who were in California for the week.

Dinner with ALL of my siblings and their spouse who were in California for the week.

My brothers...just missing Seth who is the youngest.

My brothers…just missing Seth who is the youngest.

My sisters...just missing Lei who is number 4 sister.

My sisters…just missing Lei who is number 4 sister.

Ninjas are invading the house.  Both kids wanted to have the same ninja costume this year.

Ninjas are invading the house. Both kids wanted to have the same ninja costume this year.

Ready to go Trick-or-Treating with cousins.  We only lasted about an hour or so, but everyone was happy with their loot.

Ready to go Trick-or-Treating with cousins. We only lasted about an hour or so, but everyone was happy with their loot.

The family who watched Jeffrey's football game.  He scored 4 touchdowns that night!

The family who watched Jeffrey’s football game. He scored 4 touchdowns that night!

The kids thought looking at the stars and running around with other kids was more fun than sitting in the bleachers and watching the football game.

The kids thought looking at the stars and running around with other kids was more fun than sitting in the bleachers and watching the football game.

Before we left my sister took photos of the kids per my dad's request.  Here is our Hawaiian princess.

Before we left my sister took photos of the kids per my dad’s request. Here is our Hawaiian princess.

Our Big Kahuna!

Our Big Kahuna!

Hansen family visits the Philippines

July 8th, 2013 No comments

My sister is pretty incredible.  She flew from Utah to Manila (taking 4 planes each way) with her 4 year old and 1 year old while her husband was touring Asia.  The kids and I were so happy to have them come visit with us.  They stayed for 3 weeks and we got to do a lot of pampering, shopping, eating, site-seeing, reuniting, etc.  It was so much fun.  We hadn’t seen each other for 8 months and we are not sure when we will see each other again.  It was also nice to have her around while Matt was out of the country.

What we did while the Hansens were visiting us.  Stuff for the kids, for the moms and for the whole family.

What we did while the Hansens were visiting us. Stuff for the kids, for the moms and for the whole family.

Makana enjoyed a Sunday afternoon at the American Cemetery in Manila.

Sunday afternoon at the American Cemetery in Manila.

The kids and moms enjoyed a day at Stana Elena Fun Farm.  We spent the day fishing, horse back riding, feeding animals, doing a zip line, riding a water buffalo/carabao pulled wagon, etc.

The kids and moms enjoyed a day at Santa Elena Fun Farm. We spent the day fishing, horse back riding, feeding animals, doing a zip line, riding a water buffalo/carabao pulled wagon, etc.

Matt's co-workers treated us to a Girls Night Out at Palladium.

Matt’s co-workers treated us to a Girls Night Out at Palladium.

A friend took us to get our hair colored.  I got purple and Makana got blue streaks through out our hair.  We are the Fruit Loops in a Cherrio world.

A friend took us to get our hair colored. I got purple and Makana got blue streaks through out our hair. We are the Fruit Loops in a Cherrio world.

The kids enjoyed a day at Ark Avalon where we were able to feed fish, hold birds and a python.  Sadly, Jenny the orangutan was getting a physical so we didn't get to meet her.

The kids enjoyed a day at Ark Avilon where we were able to feed fish and crocodiles, hold birds and a python. Sadly, Jenny the orangutan was getting a physical so we didn’t get to meet her.

We spent a morning making sock puppets with young girls who have been abused.

We spent a morning making sock puppets with young girls who have been abused.

The kids enjoyed playing at Kidzville where they could get their energy out and use their imagination.

The kids enjoyed playing at Kidzville where they could get their energy out and use their imagination.

Just the 2 of us went to Taal Volcano on a day trip.

Just the 2 of us went to Taal Volcano on a day trip.

We met 2 more cousins that are living in Manila and had dinner with them at a mall one night.

We met 2 more cousins that are living in Manila and had dinner with them at a mall one night.

We had a long wait for a ferry boat in Dumeguete before we could take the Hansens to Siquijor.  So, we spent time at the mall getting massages, pedicures, fish spa, eating, etc.

We had a long wait for a ferry boat in Dumeguete before we could take the Hansens to Siquijor. So we spent time at the mall getting massages, pedicures, eating, people watching and fish spa…I think she liked the fish eating her dead skin cells!

Now 2 of my siblings have been to Siquijor and visited our long lost relatives.

Now 2 of my siblings have been to Siquijor and visited our long lost relatives.

We all got into our cousin's boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Siquijor.

We all got into our cousin’s boat and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Siquijor.

We picked McKay up at the airport and headed directly to Siquijor.  He was really tired and spent most of the boat ride trying to sleep.

We picked Mckay up at the airport and headed directly to Siquijor. He was really tired and spent most of the boat ride trying to sleep.

McKay only had 2 days in Manila with us.  So we made sure he had a spa day and then we went to Pagsanjan Falls.

Mckay only had 2 days in Manila with us. So we made sure he had a spa day and then we went to Pagsanjan Falls.

The kids all loved playing with each other for 3 weeks.

The kids all loved playing with each other for 3 weeks.

I loved having my sister around and showing her around the Philippines.

I loved being with my sister and showing her around the Philippines.

Not exactly sure when and where we will all be together again.  Good thing there is the internet, social media networks, facetime, telephones, etc. to stay in touch!  Thanks for coming to visit us Hansen family.

Carnival Conquest Cruise 2010

November 17th, 2010 No comments

Everyone probably wants to have my sister in their family, especially since she was the reason why we went on a cruise.  My sister is known for finding great deals…and that is exactly what she did for all of us (Larsen, Hansen, Farley) to go on a cruise together.  Thankfully we all have terrific friends in our church who watched all of our kids so the adults could be together for a week.

Getting ready to board the ship

Matt giving Freddy, the Carnival Tail some love

Antoine Dawson does kareoke on Halloween Night

Girls sing kareoke

Mini golf on the cruise ship

Playing some doubles volleyball on the ship

ice cream 24 hours a day

2nd formal night

Matt as the Carnival Legend Sir Elton John

Beautiful sunset

We spent time together eating, dancing, singing, sleeping, talking, playing and eating again!  View more of our photos on the ship here.

Categories: Family, Travel Tags: , , , , , , ,

Happy Birthday Sister!

August 20th, 2010 2 comments

My sister celebrated another birthday this past year.  She is 21…again and I was able to help her celebrate it.  I found this yummy chocolate cake a few days before her birthday and really wanted to try it out.  So, her birthday was the perfect excuse to bake it.  And boy was it yummy.  I didn’t like the buttercream that the recipe called for, but I really liked this one I found online (and I used heavy cream instead of milk).   I also made the Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls.  I was quiet the baker last weekend!

Can you really have TOO MUCH chocolate?

We had a family party for her on Sunday and then went to Red Robin with friends on Monday.  Later that night we had a date with our husbands and watched Salt.

Thanks for being my sister and letting me celebrate your birthday with you!

Categories: Family Tags: ,