Home > Family > Mason turned 3

Mason turned 3

Back in May, Mason turned 3. Here are some fun photos that show what interests Mason has right now in his life.

Stages of Mason


Happy Birthday To You ( cha cha cha)


He loves all dinosaurs


He has been using an iPad for more than 2/3 of his life


He loves to hold babies.


He loves to hold our bearded dragon


He LOVES to swim. He stopped using flotation devices right around his birthday.


He loves to get dress for church


3 Fun Facts About Mason:

-He loves to make cookies and help out in the kitchen

-He has a favorite blanket that he takes all over the house and in the car

-He is emotional…cries when you tell him no, or won’t do anything you ask him to do if he is upset, or will throw a control at the TV when you tell him to leave the room


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