Home > Family, Travel > Farley Family Visits The Philippines – Coron Edition

Farley Family Visits The Philippines – Coron Edition

Easter morning we got on an airplane and headed to Coron.  Last year a co-worker of Matt’s told him about a place called Club Paradise and we went while on vacation in the Philippines.  Basically it is a small island off of the tip of Palawan-Coron and the whole island is the resort.  And it is BEAUTIFUL!

Ready to board our plane for Coron...but first a few rounds of the game "Telephone" while we wait for the plane

Ready to board our plane for Coron…but first a few rounds of the game “Telephone” while we wait for the plane.

This island is Club Paradise as seen from the plane

This island is Club Paradise as seen from the plane.

After an hour long plane ride, the resort had a shuttle waiting for us at the airport

After an hour long plane ride, the resort had a shuttle waiting for us at the airport.

After the 30 minute shuttle ride, we got on a boat for about 40 minutes to to get to the resort.  It was a beautiful view the whole time

After the 30 minute shuttle ride, we got on a boat for about 40 minutes to get to the resort. It was a beautiful view the whole time and they had a sack lunch waiting for each of us.

We had our own private musicians greet us once we arrived to the resort

We had our own private musicians greet us once we arrived to the resort.

Our room at Club Paradise was spacious and everyone had a proper bed to sleep in

Our room at Club Paradise was spacious and everyone had a proper bed to sleep in.

Taking a hike around the resort.  Our destination was a look-out tower to see some fruit bats

Taking a hike around the resort. Our destination was a look-out tower to see some fruit bats.

We passed by this lagoon on our hike and spotted some monitor lizards...can you find them?

We passed by this lagoon on our hike and spotted some monitor lizards…can you find them?

Fruit bats leaving the resort island at dusk to to hunt on the main island

Fruit bats leaving the resort island at dusk to to hunt on the main island.

Dinner buffet on the beach and an Easter show our first night

Dinner buffet on the beach and an Easter show our first night where we won 2 free massages.

We saw some jelleyfish and some got stung by them while swimming.  But, we also saw sea turtles since they eat jellyfish

We saw some jellyfish and some got stung by them while swimming. But, we also saw sea turtles since they eat jellyfish.

Powdery white sandy beaches at Club Paradise was perfect to bury the kids.

Powdery white sandy beaches at Club Paradise was perfect to bury the kids.

Leaving for our day excursion of the "Coron Island Tour" where we were able to snorkel at 3-4 different locations in Coron

Leaving for our day excursion of the “Coron Island Tour” where we were able to snorkel at 3 different locations and spend time at a Natural Spring in Coron.

Coron has some of the cleanest and clearest water that we have ever seen.  The rock formations were pretty spectacular as well.

Coron has some of the cleanest and clearest water that we have ever seen. The rock formations were pretty spectacular as well.

All 9 of us enjoyed snorkeling and seeing all the fish in the clear clear water.

All 9 of us enjoyed snorkeling and seeing all the fish in the extremely clear water.

The Natural Hot Springs were HOT since it was already a hot and sunny day.

The Natural Hot Springs were HOT since it was already a hot and sunny day.

Everyone had a wonderful time at Club Paradise with it's beautiful sandy beaches, buffet food, fruit bats, ocean, pool, games, massages, etc

Everyone had a wonderful time at Club Paradise with it’s beautiful sandy beaches, buffet food, fruit bats, ocean, pool, games, massages, etc

It was sad to leave Club Paradise, but we still had many more fun adventures planned.

It was sad to leave Club Paradise, but we still had many more fun adventures planned.

More of our photos of Club Paradise and Coron here.

Categories: Family, Travel Tags:
  1. Kalista
    June 21st, 2013 at 09:18 | #1

    Wow, I want to visit club Paradise! It looks incredible! I am so happy to read your blog. It is really making me want to get out of Manila more often and travel around. There are so many beautiful places here. Thanks for sharing!

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