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Sumatra – Indonesia

We came home from Thailand on a Sunday in June and the very next day on Monday morning Matt, Blake and I took another airplane to go to Indonesia! We flew from Manila to Jakarta and then to Sumatra. While on our layover in Jakarta, Blake received a lot of attention from the airline employees. Once in Pekanbaru, Sumatra, one of Matt’s co-workers picked us up and showed us around a bit and took us to dinner. We were able to stay at the CR compound at another co-worker’s home since he was out of the country. The co-worker graciously let us use his home for the three days that we were there (and he had his maid stay to help us too!). We received such wonderful hospitality from the Indonesian people.

All of these ladies loved Blake at the airport while we waited for our next flight

All of these ladies loved Blake at the airport while we waited for our next flight.

Our first stop after getting off the airport was to An-Nur Great Mosque

Our first stop after getting off the airport was at An-Nur Grand Mosque.

We ate dinner the first night at a local restaurant. One half of the restaurant is enclosed and has air-condition. The other half is for smokers and is open air seating.

We ate dinner the first night at a local restaurant. One half of the restaurant is enclosed and has air-condition. The other half is for smokers and is open air seating.

We got to visit and stay at CR Rumbai Camp

We got to visit and stay at CR Rumbai Camp.

The home on the compound that we stayed at while in Indonesia

The home on the compound that we stayed at while in Indonesia.

These ladies took me out shopping and to lunch and just really made me feel welcomed.

These ladies took me out shopping and to lunch and just really made me feel welcomed.

So many different Batik material to chose from.

So many different Batik material to chose from.

Lots of different Indonesian accessories at a store I was taken to.

Lots of different Indonesian accessories at a store I was taken to.

Ancestral home in Indonesia

Ancestral home in Indonesia.

Lunch dessert was a type of sticky rice. It was good, but I like the Filipino Mango Sticky Rice better.

Lunch dessert was a type of sticky rice. It was good, but I like the Filipino Mango Sticky Rice better.

Blake got to experience a real play ground and he LOVED it. A boy with a stick is a pretty great day.

Blake got to experience a real play ground and he LOVED it.

Breakfast that was on the table waiting for us when we would awake.

Breakfast that was on the table waiting for us when we would awake.

Compound commissary had a descent selection of things in the store.

Compound commissary had a descent selection of things in the store.

All over the compound you would see monkeys

All over the compound you would see monkeys.

A super yummy treat is fresh and hot rotiboy!

A super yummy treat is fresh and hot rotiboy!

More photos of Indonesia here.

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