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Mason turns 5

We have had Ma$on Man in our family for 5 years now! We love the fun little boy that he is with his sweet personality. He has had a busy year traveling around the world and getting a tooth pulled out due to infection and then losing 2 baby teeth because his adult teeth were already coming in. And this coming year will be another adventure with him starting kindergarten and becoming a big brother.

Australia - May 2013

Australia – May 2013

Singapore - July 2013

Singapore – July 2013

Malaysia - July 2013

Malaysia – July 2013

Vietnam - October 2013

Vietnam – October 2013

California, USA - November 2013

California, USA – November 2013

Indonesia - February 2014

Indonesia – January 2014

Philippines - February 2014

Philippines – February 2014

China - March 2014

China – March 2014

Laos - April 2014

Laos – April 2014

Myanmar - April 2014

Myanmar – April 2014

Brunei - April 2014

Brunei – April 2014

A favorite pose, making muscles and kissing them

A favorite pose, making muscles and kissing them

We love the twinkle in his eyes

We love the twinkle in his eyes

5 facts about Mason:

-Loves babies

-Our “Adventure Boy”

-Good singer & swimmer

-Enjoying doing school with his mom

-Loves Skylanders, Legos, Super Heroes, Dinosaurs, etc.

Categories: Family Tags: ,
  1. Aunt Sheri
    May 26th, 2014 at 12:53 | #1

    So many of those pictures are soooo reminiscent of his Dad. Particularly the muscles and the bunny ears! Happy Birthday Mason!

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